Corporate Governance & Sustainability

Corporate Governance & Sustainability

Commitment in implementing sustainable business practices, driving towards long-term and responsible growth.

Commitment in implementing sustainable business practices, driving towards long-term and responsible growth.

Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance

Sustainability Statements

Sustainability Statements

Inari is committed in implementing sustainable business practices and will continue to drive towards responsible and sustainable long-term growth. We adhere to the best practice sustainability guidelines, standards and framework such as the Global Reporting Initiative (“GRI”) Standards, FTSE4Good Bursa Malaysia (“F4GBM”) Index’s Environmental, Social and Governance indicators and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (“UNSDGs”).

FY 2023

FY 2022

FY 2021

FY 2020

FY 2019

FY 2018

FY 2017

Corporate Social Responsibilities

Corporate Social Responsibilities

Inari abides by its philosophy to be caring to its customers, suppliers, employees, local communities and other stakeholders. We remain committed to good sustainability values and constantly monitor our performance across our four sustainability pillars, namely Economic, Environment, Workplace and Local Communities. To demonstrate our commitment towards sustainable development, we have integrated each pillar within our business value chain.





Various CSR activities conducted by Inari demonstrates our commitment to our various stakeholders. Click the images to find out more.

Occupational Safety And Health

Occupational Safety And Health

Inari is committed to good occupational safety and health practices to ensure a safe working environment for the wellbeing of our employees.

The safety and health of our employees must always be safeguarded as far as practicable. Therefore, Inari has established an Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Policy and is committed to:

  • Making OSH a core value of everything we do.

  • Having a risk-based process in place for the identification, classification and control of hazards and risks.

  • Providing all employees, contractors and visitors with relevant information, operational controls and regular training on OSH requirements to enable them to conduct their activities safely.

  • Providing a positive culture in which employees, contractors and visitors feel free to share their concerns about non-conformance, undesirable, unsafe situations or any OSH related issues.
  • Implementing effective approaches to protect people from safety and health risks.

  • Being fully transparent in the periodic reporting on OSH performance.

  • Consulting and collaborating with employees and other stakeholders on OSH matters.

  • Complying with all applicable laws and regulations which apply to our business.

Types of OSH Awareness and Training Programme

  • Electrical Safety Awareness

  • First Aid

  • Fire Safety Training

  • Hazard Prevention and Control Awareness
  • Incident Management
  • Lift Truck/Forklift Safety Training
  • Manual Material Handling

  • On-The-Job Training

  • Personal Protective Equipment